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Protecting Your Future

What is financial abuse and how does it happen?

On Behalf of | Oct 16, 2020 | Criminal Defense

While financial abuse in Pennsylvania is often overlooked, this form of abuse can be just as damaging and harmful as emotional and physical abuse. Financial abuse can involve withholding funds, cutting a person off from their finances and denying them financial freedom. This makes it even more difficult for an individual to leave an abusive relationship.

What are some examples of financial abuse?

A common tactic by abusers involves telling the victim that they’ve been stressed about finances. The abuser offers to give their victim a certain amount of money each week. The amount of money that the victim receives steadily decreases until they realize that they’ve been locked out of bank accounts and blocked from making financial decisions.

Some abusers also refuse to let their victim get a job, which limits their financial freedom. They might also control how the couple’s money is spent and force their victim to ask for permission before buying anything. If they do allow their victim to get a job, they might forbid them from advancing in the company or making a higher salary than their abuser.

Financial abuse is typically associated with other forms of abuse like domestic abuse. Typically, the abuser will use lies, manipulation or threats to get their partner to do what they want. If their victim refuses to comply, the abuser might get increasingly violent.

Where can people get help after being charged with domestic violence?

Being charged with domestic abuse or assault can affect a person’s life, social circle and relationship with their children. If an individual has been accused of domestic violence, they might want to contact an attorney to help them defend themselves by arguing provocation or self-defense.

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