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We Help Fathers Enforce Their Rights

Has the mother of your children threatened to take your children away from you forever? At the Law Offices of Lance T. Marshall, we provide effective legal advice for fathers who want to maintain strong relationships with their children after divorce.

We encourage fathers to seek shared custody arrangements with the mothers of their children. And when it is necessary, we vigorously pursue effective custody agreements in court or effective trial strategies. For a strong voice in a father’s rights matter, contact the Law Offices of Lance T. Marshall by calling 814-308-8439.

Yes, Fathers Have Rights!

The first thing a father needs to understand is that they have at least a 50 percent legal custody right to the child according to family law in Pennsylvania. It is universally accepted that children benefit when their father is an important and significant part of their lives. We encourage fathers to be active and involved in their child’s life. If you already have been involved in your child’s life and activities, now is not the time to give up that role.

Now is the time to speak out and protect your children’s right to have you as an integral part of their lives. Waiting can also establish a new “status quo” of time spent with your child at the beginning of your separation. That “status quo” at the beginning can (and has) affected how much time you will have with your children at the end of the litigation process. Do not get into that mindset of “she lets me see the kids every other weekend” or be defined as the every other weekend father.

We Advocate For Fathers Seeking Primary Custody

In today’s society there are an increasing number of dads who have primary custody of their children. If this may be you, then call the Law Offices of Lance T. Marshall. We vigorously advocate fathers’ rights when the circumstances indicate that it is in the best interest of a child that the father has the primary role in his children’s lives.

Contact Us Today, Your Relationship With Your Child Could Depend Upon It

Let the Law Offices of Lance T. Marshall provide you with essential information and critical legal guidance to preserve your relationship with your children and to ease the trauma that divorce inevitably inflicts on them. Call an experienced fathers’ rights attorney like Lance T. Marshall at 814-308-8439. Your children’s future depends upon it.